About me

Hi there! I am a passionate data professional with over 8 years of experience in data science, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing. Currently, I serve as a Senior Data Analyst at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nairobi, Kenya, where I specialize in statistical and spatial analyses, information systems, and big data analytics. My work is driven by a commitment to generating actionable insights that promote sustainable development, and I am excited to continue making an impact in the field.

As for my background, I hold a bachelor's degree in Geospatial Engineering from the University of Nairobi in Kenya and a Master of Science in Data Science from the University of Rwanda’s African Centre of Excellence for Data Science (ACE-DS), thanks to the World Bank’s ACE II project scholarship program. For the past 5 years, I have worked in the agricultural sector at IITA R&D, initially based in Rwanda and now in Kenya. During this time, I have built a robust portfolio that includes architecting efficient ETL operations, conducting advanced data analyses and modeling, and designing intuitive dashboards. My research contributions focus on climated-related risks modelling on crop pests and diseases, diet quality, and change detection using remote sensing techniques, particularly in crop mapping. When I am not immersed in algorithms and datasets, you can find me seeking adventures, exploring the world, or tending to my little garden sanctuary.

See my CV for further information about me.


  • 2023-10: I will be showcasing and providing training on some of the agronomic digital tools I developed, at the TRANSFORM Workshop for the Excellence in Agronomy initiative (EiA) by CGIAR in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • 2023-09: I am presenting our poster, Climate-related risk modelling of banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW) disease incidence within cropland area of Rwanda at 2023 Tropentag Conference: Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies, held in Berlin, under the theme "climate change"

  • 2023-06: Published! Our paper on Climate-Related Risk Modeling of Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease Incidence in the Cropland Area of Rwanda just got published to Plant Disease Journal!

  • 2023-03: Exciting news! our work was featured on Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) newsletter.

  • 2022-04: I am thrilled to announce that I have started a new position as a Senior Data Analyst with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) under the the Excellence in Agronomy initiative (EiA) in Nairobi, Kenya!

  • 2022-01: Critical insights into diet quality disparities — highlighting the urgent need for targeted interventions to combat nutrition insecurity. Published to Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems! Check it out here: Leveraging Digital Tools and Crowdsourcing Approaches to Generate High-Frequency Data for Diet Quality Monitoring at Population Scale in Rwanda.

  • 2021-12: Exciting news: my first publication! How can mapping banana farmlands in Rwanda with UAV imagery and machine learning prioritize resources to combat Banana Xanthomonas Wilt disease? Check out our publication in Remote Sensing Journal here: UAV-Based Mapping of Banana Land Area for Village-Level Decision-Support in Rwanda .

  • 2019-12: I will present our work at the IAMO Forum (2020) under "Digitalisation and ICT for the prevention and control of plant diseases in small holder farming: lessons from Rwanda".